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Sexton Blake: From the Shadows(The Teed Files #8)

Ebook Paperback

“Far back in the island of Kaitu it was thought I had died. It is true that I went so close to the gates that my fingers were touching the latch, but my work here is not yet done. I have seen a vision of the future. I have seen the slumbering east aroused and started upon a current which can only end at the Atlantic, whether the course be east or west. Now is the time for which we have worked, for which we have prayed. We must act swiftly and surely. So give me your ears. This very night do we start!” ~Prince Wu Ling, The Case of the Poisoned Telephones, 1915

Brace yourself for a whirlwind of intrigue and danger as Prince Wu Ling, the enigmatic mastermind behind The Brotherhood of the Yellow Beetle, rises from the ashes of his supposed demise. With his vision for global domination burning brighter than ever, Wu Ling rallies his shadowy organization for their most audacious schemes yet. In The Case of the Poisoned Telephones, the Brotherhood attempts to steal the plans for a weapon that could single-handedly alter the course of the Great War. In The Quest of the Grey Panther, Wu Ling contemplates an alliance that could forever change the global balance of power.

But that’s not all Blake and Tinker have to contend with! Hammerton Palmer emerges from South American exile in The Prize Ship, with a daring get-rich-quick scheme, and the Council of Eleven target priceless rubies in the classic Easter Double Number The Vengeance of the Eleven.

Rounding out the tales is a thrilling new rivalry: the brilliant detective Nelson Lee faces off against his most formidable female foe—the cunning and deadly Black Wolf.

This is the eighth of several anthologies that collects George Hamilton Teed’s most popular works from 1913 to 1917. Each edition includes all of the original illustrations! Enjoy!

The Vengeance of the Eleven: Mark Hodder, Sexton Blake Bibliography, Blakiana

Imprint ROH Press Great Detectives and Master Criminals
Published 04/01/2024
ISBN (Paperback) 978-1998879182
Length 388 pages
The Victorian and Edwardian Era
Sexton Blake: The Early Years
Sexton Blake: the Clique of Death
Sexton Blake: Friends and Allies
Sexton Blake: The Storm Files
Sexton Blake: The Answers Casebook

The Golden Age of Master Criminals
Sexton Blake: The First Super Villains
Sexton Blake: The Plummer Files
Sexton Blake: The Master Criminals
Sexton Blake: The Kew Files
Sexton Blake: The Carlac Files
Sexton Blake & Nelson Lee
Sexton Blake: The Claire Delisle Files

The Teed Files
Sexton Blake: Yvonne’s Vengeance
Sexton Blake: Rymer and Wu Ling
Sexton Blake: Wu Ling Strikes Again
Sexton Blake: Cunning Schemes
Sexton Blake: Palmer and Beauremon

Sexton Blake: The Criminals’ Confederation Series
Sexton Blake: The Bat Files
Sexton Blake: The Bat Files #2
Sexton Blake: The Bat Files #3
Sexton Blake: The Bat Files #4
Sexton Blake: Confederation Rising
Sexton Blake: The Sinister Island Saga
Sexton Blake: Yvonne Joins the Fight
Sexton Blake: Beware the Shadow
Sexton Blake: Plots and Intrigues
Sexton Blake: Reversals of Fortune
Sexton Blake: The Rival Presidents
Sexton Blake: Reece’s Republic
Sexton Blake: Twists in the Trail
Sexton Blake: Final Curtain

Nelson Lee, Detective
Nelson Lee: The Early Years
Nelson Lee: The Scott Files
Nelson Lee: The Black Wolf Files


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